New Year, Same Staff: Resolutions for the Future

Writer: Shayne Watson

Content Editor: Grayson Keglovic

Copy Editor: R. Leia Silva

Everyone has heard the phrase “new year, new me” as we all strive to better ourselves with new year’s resolutions. You might want to work out more, create better spending habits, or eat healthier, but what about focusing on your personal well-being?

Throughout her high school career, creative writer, Nicole Lasso, always had the same resolution: go to the gym.

Photo courtesy of Nicole Lasso

Lasso didn’t have a designated plan or strategy to stay on top of her resolution, but after some failed attempts, things eventually worked out on their own. During the peak of COVID-19, Lasso had a lot more free time and it gave her the perfect opportunity to work out.

“Sometimes opportunities just align at the perfect time,” Lasso said. “It was up to me to make the choice of taking the chance or not.”

This year, Lasso’s resolution is to tap more into her creativity, find professional success, and to feel more in-balance with her life.

“To be honest, I feel like at the point I am at in my life I don’t really need to work out more, or have more friends, or need a better diet,” Lasso said. “I think I just really need to organize the pieces in my life and look inward to find what I need.”

Lasso said that last year she was taking everything to an extreme and admits she needed to find more balance in the things she enjoyed.

“I needed to find some peace and quiet and some time to recharge while also create, this wish has sort of seeped into my resolution,” Lasso said.

Lasso enjoys journaling, listening to podcasts, watching films, meditating, etc. She shared that these activities help rebalance her.

“Things like that just ground me and allow me to be more creative without forcing myself to be the one creating or coming up with scripts or films or mood boards,” Lasso said.

Stylist and makeup artist, Kiara Alamo, also would like to dive deeper into her creative field this year. Alamo’s resolution is to allow herself to be aggressive in each artistic project she takes, as well as continuing to make progress with fellow artists across the nation.

Photo courtesy of Kiara Alamo’s mother

“My 2023 resolution differs from previous years because I am giving due attention to what is most important to me,” Alamo said. “Other years I wasn’t sure what that thing was but after a couple of trials, I have found it.”

To achieve this, Alamo said she plans on staying consistent by moving towards her goals one small step at a time.

“My main focus is to be gentle with myself and allow space to be generous with my learning,” Alamo said.

Model, Maya Watson, also has a plan to stay on top of her 2023 resolution. Watson wants to become consistent with her yogic practice and to get out of her comfort zone more.

“My approach to the new year is a lot more relaxed and receptive to all the things that could happen to me this year,” Watson said. 

Photo courtesy of Maya Watson

Watson said she has a routine set for herself to wake up early, to do her yoga, and to also physically write down her daily checklist so she can hold herself accountable. 

Creative writer, Patrick Ryan, said he doesn’t have a set resolution for this year. He believes that his future unfolds like strings slowly being pulled from the background because of the way things linger as he grows as an individual.

While Ryan doesn’t claim to have a resolution, he said that he wants to try to learn more from his parents since they are only getting older and with age, have become more wise and knowledgeable.

Ryan recalls when he was younger and how he would feel “absolute magical bewilderment” when he would ask his parents a question.

“My dad would just stand there with every single cell of his being packed tight with knowledge,” Ryan said. “Like if you stacked up all 32 volumes of the encyclopedia Britannica, dressed it in a Bike Week shirt, and some cargo shorts, and called it Charlie.”

Photo courtesy of Jorden Peace

Ryan said his dad is famously short, so compared to himself, Ryan could pack in all the information his dad has and more.

 “I’d like to feel that child-like magic, divine enchantment of life more often, even if that ‘more often’ is one more time this year than last,” Ryan said.

 Whether your goal is to get more creative, advance in your field, learn more from your parents, or simply just waking up earlier, we all make resolutions to better ourselves. Strive to be the person you want to be in 2023, and conquer your resolution with a positive mindset and just focus on what makes you happy.